SnapperTackle 160g Slow Pitch Jig
This Slow Pitch Jig is ideal for catching a wide range of popular NZ species! We’ve had great success catching Snapper, Kingfish and Blue Cod on these Slow Pitch Jigs!
Two fish on a single jig isn’t uncommon!
The brightness of the luminous paint on these jigs is outstanding! We’ve compared them with many other popular NZ brands of jigs and not one was brighter nor glowed for as long! Two holographic eyes, one on either side of the jig! The incredible honeycomb/lattice style paint design on the blue and orange jigs looks fantastic and when combined with the luminous base coat it creates a unique luminous effect! Reversible, you can tie your trace to either end to get an action suitable for the conditions you’re fishing! Heavy end down in high current or deepwater = less fluttering action. Heavy end up for shallower water = more fluttering action.