6kg Super Sarca No.2 Anchor
Exceptionally popular Super High Holding Power (SHHP) Tested and Approved by NMSC (Lloyds with a Aussie accent) Hoop on the rear of the anchor ensures that the Super SARCA rolls over in most situations, allowing the toe to be in its best possible position to penetrate the ocean floor and reducing dragging as the fluke digs in No more chain tangled around and between the flukes preventing the anchor from taking hold. Super SARCA's unique tangle-resistant design improves anchor efficiency and safety Unique design also creates a pumping action which sinks the anchor deeper. Teamed with the Super SARCA's 360° pivoting action, this makes the Super SARCA resistant to wind and tide changes Incorporates an automatic reset trip release that offers you the highest rate of recovery from rocks. When anchoring in and around bommies, reef or coral the Super SARCA has less chance of getting stuck and will create less damage to the environment Light in weight, easy to handle and contains no lead in the design to contaminate the marine environment